Agricultural Spray Equipment
Brand : CROWN
Type : MSE - 360 IB
Machine Brand : MATSUMOTO
Engine Type : MDX-186 FAE (10 HP)
Fuel : Solar (Diesel)
Starting System : Starter Electric & Recoil
Pressure : 2 - 3.5 Mpa
Speed: 500 - 900 Rpm
Output : 21 - 37.5 Liters/min
Tank Capacity: 360 Liters
Model: 3 Wheels
Equipped : Blower Fan
Dimensions: 257 x 100 x 110 cm
Weight: 86 KG
Volume Weight: 472 KG
Rules before buying:
- Read carefully before buying.
- The items that have been purchased cannot be returned / exchanged.
- Goods before we send them to customers have passed our QC.
- If there is a warranty listed, it is a warranty from the distributor, not a warranty from the store.
- If you want to claim a warranty, the service location listed on the warranty card only matches the city listed.
- We only deliver your ordered goods to the expedition you chose yourself when ordering.
- If there is damage / delay from the expedition, it is not our responsibility.
- Insurance is optional, if you want your item to be insured, you must choose it yourself when ordering.
- Buy = Understand & Agree.